Saturday, December 03, 2005

Second Verse, Same as the First, or the Xbox 360 Launch Bullshit


I don't have an Xbox 360. Surprised? Don't be. Microsoft decided to take it's dedicated Xbox fanbase on a ride and only trickle a small amount of 360s into the states (440,000 to be exact). That might look like a big number, but considering that the average store got 10 consoles to sell to the mobs of people camping outside, it was a disaster. It's not like this hasn't happened before. The launches of the Dreamcast, and N64 were also short on consoles, and you couldn't get a PS2 until a year after it's release. But this time it's Microsoft, so it's not just a miscalculation, it's a deliberate marketing ploy. What follows is 2 weeks worth of frustration and venting about Microsoft's lame ass tactics

First, about the launch in my small town there were about 50 altogether and a lot of people didn't even get their pre-orders. I was planning on our Wal-Mart along getting 50, therefore satisfying the demand there, and then I could pick up one early morning on the 22nd. Sadly, our Wal-Mart got 15, and everyone rushed to Target, which got about 30. I didn't have a chance, and I was mad for a few days. Then I heard some of the stories and I was cheered up.

I heard from my lucky friend who was 13th on line at Wal-Mart (she got there at 3PM on the 21st) that the first person in line was a Granny. She walked in at 8AM, set up her beach chair, cracked open a novel and her knitting and sat there over 12 hours. That's dedication for ya.

I've also been hearing about several errors in the 360s. Which was bound to happen, cause again, we're dealing with Microsoft, who couldn't get a OS working glitch-free the first time if they were programming an Atari 2600. I've heard people who can't get their Live accounts transferred, people who's games are being scratched by the console, overheating issues (which dates back to the original Boxx), and all sorts of other stuff.

Look, I think that Microsoft shot themselves in the foot for doing this. They are already losing $125 a console, so why wouldn't they wanna make as much money as possible? Also, think of all the games that will go unsold, and the parents who will just get something else for Christmas instead. Plus, they knew that the 360 was gonna sell out on launch day anyway, so the ploy was unneeded. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Anyway, enough ranting. I'll get mine in January or late this month the earliest, and I'm getting several new games for Christmas to hold me over (Mario Kart DS, Doom 3, MK: Deception). And from what I've seen it will be worth the wait.

-Here's to all those dedicated grannies!

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