Friday, July 09, 2010

Iceman Cometh, or Vanilla Ice Ice Baby (still a)LIVE AND IN CONCERT

Welcome to an unexpected day zero of Pudge's Cross Country City and Con Cavalcade. Vanilla Ice, star of such hits as Cool as ICE and TMNT 2, performed a concert following a Devil Rays game this evening, and I was lucky enough to be there to capture the spectacle. Ice had a strange skull tunnel on his stage. His entourage included a drummer named Clint Eastwood, several ninja turtles cosplayers, a strange clown in a santa suit, and a few dozen whores for good measure. He did a horrible remix of Ninja Rap, and his only other song as well, or so I thought. He also performed what he claims to be the number 1 song in the UK. That can't be right can it? Anyway, enjoy the extensive video posted here and on my YouTube page. The video quality is crappy, but Ice shares some GEMS, including plugging his reality show on DIY network.

Don't forget to come back Wednesday for the true beginning of the Cavalcade, although I can't promise anything as insane as this.

Word to your Mother

Posted via email from Random Pudgie Thoughts of Goodness

Rays Van Winkle

I made it to the Trop. But this is no mere Devil Rays game. As aforementioned on the Twitter, internationaly known douchebag Vanilla Ice will be performing tonight after the game. Expect video coverage in about 2 hours.

Let's go Rays

Posted via email from Random Pudgie Thoughts of Goodness

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Bungie Day 2010


With Bungie hard at work on Halo Reach, there isn't a lot that they
can do to celebrate one of my favorite geek holidays, Bungie Day.
Celebrated every July 7th, it is the official day to celebrate one of
the greatest game design teams in existence. While the celebrations
are muted a little from past years, they still took time out of their
busy schedules to do two things. Firstly, they turned on the Flaming
Helmet in Halo 3 for everyone today so we can all be Ninjas 0n Fire.
In fact the only reason I'm writing this now is because I left my copy
of Halo ODST at PudgeTowers, so I have to re-download all the maps for
the game to get on most of the playlists. Epic fail I know.

Secondly, they posted a great video by Red vs Blue which previews some
stuff from Halo Reach.

At the end I had a nerdgasm. They're going to be at Comic Con! Halo
Reach is not going to be a big part of Pudge's Cross Country City and
Con Cavalcade. For now though, I'm off to pwn some n00bs while my head
is on fire.


Posted via email from Random Pudgie Thoughts of Goodness

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Shakes engrossed in Red Dead

Testing the photo uploading by sharing a pic of Shakes enjoying my 360. Enjoy.

Posted via email from Random Pudgie Thoughts of Goodness

Blog 2.0


In anticipation of this year's vacation event, Pudge's Cross Country
City and Con Cavalcade, in which I will be traveling to NYC with the
family and then flying out to my first ever big convention, San Diego
Comic-Con, I decided to redo my blog to make it easier to post from
the floor of a convention. Blogger worked for a long time, but
Posterous seemed more web 2.0 friendly, and I'm happy to make the
switch. I ported over just about everything from the old version of
Pudgie Thoughts, mostly for memories sake, and now it's ready to take
in newer content then my E3 thoughts. My new URL, which I'm really
digging, is Alliteration FTW. BTW, I also decided
to port over all the blog posts here onto the old site over at, until that becomes silly redundant or
Blogger shuts down, whichever comes first.

In the weeks to come, prepare yourself for a barrage of photo and
video updates from New York and the Comic Con floor, as well as a
nightly swag report poster here while I'm in San Diego, plus maybe in
New York if I get anything of interest there. I hope you enjoy the new
look, and I can't wait to be feeding the internet new pictures of
Slave Leias and Klingons.


Posted via email from Random Pudgie Thoughts of Goodness