Saturday, June 18, 2005

Vacation Posts, or why I won't post anything in the next month


To the -2 readers I have out there, I wont be posting anything for a while. I'm going on Vacation. I figured I'd post a little about my Vacation today and when I get back, I'll post about how much fun I had (or lack thereof)

First we're heading to Nashville, home of country music (AKA:Music that makes your ears burn) and the twangiest people on the planet. My Dads at a conference there, which means we all get a free hotel :), and each of the other members of the family get to pick out where we're going for each of three days. My little sis already picked out going to a huge mall (big wow), so that means that I get to see a double feature at the movies (Batman Begins and 4, although I have no faith that the latter movie will be good). Next Mom picked that we go to a movie!!! (I guess I'm not going to the movies at home this year) We will go to see Bewitched on her day, since it comes out around her birthday and she always liked that show. I don't mind, cause Will Farrell can carry any movie in my opinion. For My day, I don't really know yet. It will probably be the last day and I will see what my options are before deciding. I'll tell ya when I get back (although there's a 85% chance it will be some kind of arcade-like atmosphere)

Next on the agenda is going a little ways down to Asheville (no I'm not making this up). We go here every chance we get because My Uncle and Aunt both live up here. My uncle is a hard working local musician that lives in the mountains (cool place to hang out, even if he does have big dogs that like to lick you.) My Aunt is a... Well, I forget. I know she lives in a small out of the way house with her boyfriend. His name is Bill and he is the most amazing person you could ever talk to. He really doesn't listen, nor care about what you say. It's amazing. He's a do-it-yourself junkie and he talks about that a lot to everyone (even my little sis). When we try to bring up something to him, he nods, maybe grumbles, and then talks about his thing again. Amazing Guy...

Next, we're going to Amish Country and Philadelphia. Now I know the Amish can't read this, but no offense anyway. The Amish kinda creep me out. I mean I know some people have really strong feeling about computers and tech in general, but still using an outhouse? Also, there must be in-breeding sometimes considering there aren't that many people in a village, and there is a stereotype of the Amish boy who wants more out of life. Personally, I would just kill myself, but that's just me. Anyway, this was my mom's idea and it's a good thing I have both a DVD player in the Van and my Nintendo DS to keep me company.

Finally we take the yearly trip down to Orlando to go to a couple of theme parks. This years agenda is Disney MGM and Animal Kingdom. I'm particually excited about going to MGM this year, as I've finally mustered up the courage to go on Rock'n Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. I'm not really a thrill ride person, but I figure I might as well since I loved Revenge of the Mummy and Doctor Doom's FearFall on last years Universal Escape visit.

See ya in a Month when I go over all the horrors and happiness of my Vacation.

May all your vacations end up as good as mine looks to be!

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