Sunday, August 21, 2005

Mega 64, or I just found another reason G4 sucks


Sorry about not posting, school started and I had to do a lot of work and organize clubs that I run and other crap. I'll try to get on during the weekends. Look for the second half of the Vacation post whenever I get a 3-4 day weekend. Or when I get sick. Or whatever.

Anyway, I'll start out with a link. Watch this...

Watched it yet? If it's choppy, just let it run once and then run it again. Anyway, this is the theme song for a ill-fate cable show concept entitled Mega 64. The show was to have taken old and new video games and put them in real life. Don't know what I'm talking about? Then go here...

Here you will find skits about games like Tetris, Shenmue, and Metal Gear Solid. Go ahead and watch them. I know you want to. Come back when your done.

Ready? OK. Now one more link for you. It's on the site so you might have seen it. Go here

Watch that video and read the article. Amazed? G4 could of had this as a TV show. I could only imagine. But, because G4 is run by brainless suits, we get this instead...
Remember Fastlane? No?
Of course you don't. Fastlane was a failed Fox show from 2003, introduced in the same season as Method and Redd as a way to "get with" the hip-hop crowd. Never worked.

So I pose the question... Why would a failed show made by Fox to appeal to teens work now? What are they thinking. Their logic couldn't be worse. It's like putting 1+1 into a calculator and expecting 4 to come out. And when it doesn't come out that way, they ignore the calculator and think 1+1=4 anyway. I mean, if I was put in charge of G4 and wanted to bankrupt them, I would do the same thing that they are doing right now. I just don't get it.

We also get a new late night block showcasing Sex, Dumbasses, and Anime, the Barbed Wire Biscuit.

OK, WTF is a Barbed Wire Biscuit? And what the hell does it have to do with a Jackass Ripoff, Anime Unleashed, an Internet cartoon, and a Sexed-up version of Cinnimatech?

You know what's sad? If it was still TechTV, I would of watched the Happy Tree Friends show and the Anime show. But, just like you don't go to a terrible movie for a 20 sec cameo, you don't watch an evil channel for an hour. Sorry G4, but you don't get my ratings! And I don't care if I turned around one day and you were the perfect Video Game Channel. Because you turned Mega 64 down, and denied video game fans everywhere of that greatness, I will never, ever, watch G4 of my own will again.

-May all Tetris blocks find their home someday

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