Wednesday, July 27, 2005

GTA's Coffee is HOT, or why the Senators should SHOVE IT


I'm still working on my huge Vacation Killtacular article. It's in draft form. It also doesn't help that I took a small side trip to Ft. Lauderdale yesterday. But, in the mean time, I have to write something about all the hoopla around GTA: San Andreas and Hot Coffee and Senator Clinton (I thought we were finally rid of them..., at least they're better than the Bush Bros. Why does Jeb have to rule my state!!!)

A quick and unnecessary recap for Morons-In the code for all three versions of GTA:San Andreas, there exists a sex minigame. Apparently, Rockstar decided not to add it in the game, but since it was already in there, they couldn't take it out without seriously messing up the code and adding a lot of time and money to development. So they made it so that you couldn't get to it in the game. Well, some idiot modders found it in the game and made a mod that would unlock the game. Now, the ERSB has changed the rating from M to AO and Rockstar is taking a lot of heat from the Senators/parent Groups/Mindless Zombies that agree with the news.

Well, I think that Rockstar is a little to blame for this. Instead of admitting that this was put in the game, they said that this was modded content that was not in the game originally. That would of been fine if it was true (Nude mods exist for everything they can get away with on the PC, try typing Nude The Sims into Google) but, sadly it was a lie. Not sure why they did that, and if they didn't lie, this game would probably still be M. They kinda shot themselves in the foot. But I still don't think they deserve the heat they're getting. They did everything they could to make sure that nobody got this in the finished product. Other people do this, I mean the ATV was a lock for Halo 2, but they took it out almost last minute. Instead of taking it out completely, they reworked the code to make it the Spectre (which, as I've mentioned before, looks weird compared to the other vehicles). I just think this is the senators taking advantage of a situation that will make a lot of people mad and totally against video games in general (God, I feel bad for the kids that are gonna have to put up with that). It's always one step forward and two steps back with the public perception of Video Games...

At least this comes a little late to do any harm to the games sales, except possibly the Xbox version (which thankfully has been given the GTA shaft for the last time!). But if you don't have the game now, don't expect to get it for a long time, cause I seriously doubt most places are even going to bother with the edited version come this fall. I hope your lucky enough to have a good game store like EB or GameStop, or your outta luck.

-May all of the Video Game skeletons stay in the closet from now on

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